Shit happens
... o fato é que as merdas acontecem!, a toda hora e em todos os locais elas acontecem.
Mas pq elas acontecem ?, será que entendendo a causa eu consigo evitar o efeito ?
- Taoism
- Shit happens.
- Confucianism
- Confucius says: “Shit happens”.
- Buddhism
- If shit happens, it is not really shit.
- Zen Buddhism
- Shit is, and is not.
- Hinduism
- This shit happened before.
- Shintoism
- This shit happens everywhere.
- Judaism
- Why does this shit always happen to us?
- Christianity
- Shit happens to sinners.
- Islam
- Shit happens if it is the will of God.
- Astrology
- Shit is written in the stars.
- Catholicism
- If shit happens, you deserve it.
- Protestantism
- Shit happens, so let 's make it worthwhile.
- Lutheranism
- When shit happens, change the subject.
- Calvinism
- Shit happens because you don't work hard enough.
- Anglicanism
- More shit happens in Rome.
- Presbyterianism
- This shit was bound to happen.
- Episcopalism
- It 's not so bad if shit happens, as long as you serve the right wine with it.
- Methodism
- It 's not so bad if shit happens, as long as you serve it with grape juice.
- Congregationalism
- Shit that happens to one person is just as good as that happens to another.
- Hasidism
- Shit never happens the same way twice.
- Orthodox Judaism
- So shit happens, already!
- Samaritanism
- Your shit is my shit.
- Zoroastrianism
- Shit happens half of the time.
- Jainism
- All shit happens to be alive.
- Sikhism
- Leave our shit alone.
- Ba'hai
- We are the shit that happens.
- Sufism
- The wise man has other things on his mind when shit happens.
- Mithra
- Shit shall continue to happen until the return of Mithras.
- Platonism
- There is an ideal shit, of which all the shit that happens is but an imperfect image.
- Animism
- Some shit happier than others.
- Baptism
- It 's not too bad if shit happens just before washing.
- Anabaptism
- It 's not so bad if shit happens, just clean up afterwards.
- Mennonitism
- Shit happens, but as long as you're sorry, it 's OK.
- Greek Orthodox Church
- Shit happens, usually in three's.
- Russian Orthodox Church
- Do not think shit does not happen.
- Seventh Day Adventism
- No shit shall happen on Saturday.
- Televangelism
- Send more shit.
- Evangelism
- If shit happens, pass it on.
- Unitarianism
- All shit that happens, is one.
- Universalism
- All that happens, is one shit.
- Christian Science
- Shit happening is all in your mind.
- Secular Humanism
- Shit evolves.
- Gnosticism
- If shit happens, it 's a secret.
- Theosophy
- You don't know half of the shit that happens.
- Polytheism
- Shit happens for a variety of reasons.
- Occultism
- Sh, it happens.
- Mysticism
- Some weird shit is going on.
- Shamanism
- Holy shit!
- Quakers
- Let us not quarrel over this shit.
- Amish
- Shit happening is good for the soil.
- Deism
- God did not make this shit happen.
- Sophism
- If shit happens, don't step in it.
- Solopsism
- If it doesn't happen, it can't be shit.
- Utopianism
- This shit doesn't smell at all.
- Darwinism
- This shit was once food.
- Creationism
- No shit happened before Sunday 23 October 4004 BC.
- Fundamentalism
- Shit happens from within.
- Chauvinism
- No matter how shit, we happen.
- Despotism
- Let only one shit happen.
- Feminism
- Shit is male as it happens.
- Puritanism
- S*** can happen all day as long as you don't call it that.
- Nationalism
- Shit happens in the global village.
- Patriotism
- Our shit happens better than yours.
- Fascism
- Shit happens right on time.
- Marxism
- Shit has nothing to lose but to happen.
- Stalinism
- In five years, shit will happen on an industrial scale.
- Communism
- Let 's share this shit.
- Capitalism
- That 's my shit.
- Socialism
- The same shit happens to everyone.
- Anarchism
- This shit is going to hit the fan.
- Commercialism
- If shit happens, sell it.
- Head-in-the-sandism
- If there is no shit, it doesn't happen.
- Conservatism
- Shit doesn't happen like it used to.
- Opportunism
- It would be silly for shit not to happen.
- Idolism
- Let 's bronze this shit.
- Purism
- If shit must happen, let only shit happen.
- Idealism
- Be prepared that all shit will happen, eventually.
- Apathism
- Who gives a shit?
- Freudianism
- Shit that happens is like sex.
- Behaviorism
- Shit is conditioned to happen.
- Empiricism
- Shit only happens if I see it happen.
- Relativism
- Every shit happens differently.
- Stoicism
- This shit doesn't bother me.
- Epicurism
- Shit happens after a good meal.
- Impressionism
- From a distance, this shit looks like a garden.
- Expressionism
- Excrement comes and goes.
- Cubism
- Happen shits.
- Minimalism
- More than enough shit happens as it does.
- Existentialism
- What is this shit, anyway?
- Objectivism
- Shit happens to happen.
- Individualism
- Let 's make shit happen so at least we know who to blame.
- Populism
- If shit happens, silence the perpetrators.
- Progressivism
- Less shit happens every day, relatively speaking.
- Egalitarianism
- Shit and no shit happen both.
- Orwellianism
- Big shit is happening to you.
- Mormonism
- This shit is going to happen again.
- Scientology
- If shit happens, see ‘Dianetics’, page 157.
- Jehovah’s Witnesses
- Shit has been prophesied and is imminent, and only the righteous shall survive its happening.
- Hare Krishna
- Shit happens, rama, rama.
- Moonism
- Only really happy shit happens.
- Jesuitism
- How can we know if shit happens and nobody hears it?
- Mesmerism
- Sleep and no shit will happen.
- Rastafarianism
- Let 's smoke this shit.
- Navajo
- Shit happens in the wind and best in the shade.
- Hopi
- Corn fertilizer happens.
- Maya
- Shit happens in cycles.
- Inca
- Only holy shit happens.
- Aztec
- If shit happens, the Gods want to see more blood.
- New Age
- All shit is one shit.
- Holism
- When shit happens, it happens everywhere at once.
- Hitchhikerism
- If shit happens, the answer is 42.
- Ecology
- If organic shit happens, it 's OK.
- Cannibalism
- Eat only what does not happen.
- Vegetarianism
- If it happens to shit, don't eat it.
- Hedonism
- There 's nothing like a good shit happening!
- Materialism
- Whoever dies with the most shit, wins.
- Fetishism
- If shit happens, go for more.
- Egotism
- My shit happens.
- Narcissism
- I love this shit!
- Cynicism
- But of course shit happens.
- Fatalism
- Oh shit, it 's going to happen.
- Meliorism
- Shit is happening now, but it will soon cease to happen.
- Futurism
- More shit will happen sooner or later.
- Realism
- There is shit, as it happens.
- Surrealism
- Other shit could also happen.
- Pragmaticism
- Deal with shit one day at a time.
- Skepticism
- Maybe shit happens, but then again, maybe not.
- Liberalism
- Shit has a right to happen.
- Pacifism
- Give shit a chance to happen.
- Hippie
- Make happenings, not shit.
- Punk
- Never mind what happens.
- Druidism
- Shit happens around the Sacred Oak.
- Satanism
- Voodoo
- Shit happens from me to you.
- Witchcraft
- Mix this shit together and it will happen.
- Wicca
- If shit happened once, it will happen twice more.
- Online
- This shit never happens in real life.
- Eschatology
- You think shit happens now, you just wait.
- Escapism
- If shit happens, don't look back.
- Atheism
- I can't believe this shit!
- Agnosticism
- I don't know shit.
- Nihilism
- No shit.
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